Handy Quarto Configurations

A Quick Tutorial

Beamer Configuration

title: <>
subtitle: <>
author: Francis Zhang
date: today
date-format: MMM YYYY
  echo: false
  eval: false
  output: true
    highlight-style: atom-one
    urlcolor: blue
    linkcolor: white
    theme: 'Madrid'
    mathspec: true
      - file: 'preamble.tex'
  • echo: false suppresses the code echo; do not show the source code; you could separately set this to true for a specific code chunk
  • eval: false suppresses the code evaluation; do not run the code
  • output: true shows the code output
  • mathspec: true This will enhance the math rendering in beamer slides, no potential downside
  • include-in-header allows you to include a preamble file, written in LaTeX, to customize some operations

For link colors, if you set any values for urlcolor, by default, Quarto will open enable colors for all links. To disable the other ones, set the linkcolor to white. I personally use url links only.

For all highlight styles, see here.

HTML configuration

title: <>
subtitle: <>
author: Francis Zhang
   - include-code-files
    toc: true
    embed-resources: true
    smooth-scroll: true
    highlight-style: atom-one
    font-size: 20
    linestretch: 2
    code-overflow: scroll
  • include-code-files allows you to include source code files from your project directory. The syntax is
# ```{.python include="option.py" filename="option.py"}
# ```

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