Handy Quarto Configurations
A Quick Tutorial
Beamer Configuration
title: <>
subtitle: <>
author: Francis Zhang
date: today
date-format: MMM YYYY
echo: false
eval: false
output: true
highlight-style: atom-one
urlcolor: blue
linkcolor: white
theme: 'Madrid'
mathspec: true
- file: 'preamble.tex'
echo: false
suppresses the code echo; do not show the source code; you could separately set this to true for a specific code chunkeval: false
suppresses the code evaluation; do not run the codeoutput: true
shows the code outputmathspec: true
This will enhance the math rendering in beamer slides, no potential downsideinclude-in-header
allows you to include a preamble file, written in LaTeX, to customize some operations
For link colors, if you set any values for urlcolor
, by default, Quarto will open enable colors for all links. To disable the other ones, set the linkcolor to white. I personally use url links only.
For all highlight styles, see here.
HTML configuration
title: <>
subtitle: <>
author: Francis Zhang
- include-code-files
toc: true
embed-resources: true
smooth-scroll: true
highlight-style: atom-one
font-size: 20
linestretch: 2
code-overflow: scroll
allows you to include source code files from your project directory. The syntax is
# ```{.python include="option.py" filename="option.py"}
# ```